Complementary Services

Structural Repair And Strengthening Works

Structural Repair And Strengthening Works

  • On occasions after Building Periodic Visual Inspection, BCA and QP might very well advise building owners on structural repair works that are deemed critical to the safety and integrity of the building structure. 
  • NC Contractor Pte Ltd has comprehensive experience in different structural repair works that are either designed by a Qualified Person (QP) or require us to provide repair solutions. 
  • This is typically done in conjunction with a site survey to determine the best method for repairing the structure. Such as removing and redoing crack concrete and corroded rebar, inspecting and repairing spalling concrete, and providing water-proofing services. 
  • In some instances, strengthening works such as adding steel structures or RC beams and columns are required for the area under design or due to changes in load capacity over time.